Today Martha, Collin and Andrew came over while Beth took Ashton to the dentist. One of the kids let our dog Dodger out. He is not a very obedient dog when it comes to coming back in so I let him roam. I wasn't too worried about him since we were all in the front and I could see him. All of the sudden I see him running into our garage with 2 HUGE pit bulls following him. I follow him and the 2 dogs into our garage and then try to get one of the pit bulls to let go of Dodgers leg. What seemed like mins later but was only a few seconds later was their owner (who was all of 95 pounds). They thank goodness they listened to her and I threw Dodger in the house. Evidently, she is visiting her family who live across the street and the dogs needed to use the restroom. She took them out on their leashes, they saw my dog and snapped the leashes. After this fun ordeal I realized that I was holding Tanner the whole time! I was so in a zone to get those dogs out of there. I cannot believe that I had Tanner with me! I then again didn't want to set him down in fear that they would trample him as well. It was Awful.
I hear Martha yelling for me for about 5 mins and I keep yelling back where I was. I thought that she was just looking for me. She keeps yelling so I go and find her. I found her like this in the back yard! There is a monkey back pack whose tail is tied to the top of the swing set. She had gotten her arms in the backpack and couldn't get them out. Being the good aunt that I am told her to hold on while I got my camera so that I could take a picture of her!
Oh my goodness how scary!!! I'm terrified of pitbulls...poor Dodger :(
That picture of Martha is priceless lol
Hellllllo those were the ONLY pictures on my camera from that trip lol sad, I know. NEXT TIME we can do an entire photo shoot, k? ;)
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