Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tonight while putting Tanner to bed, we had this conversation:
T: Mom sometimes when it is really quiet I hear a voice talking in my head. and It's not Hailey or Preston or the tv.
M: Who is talking to you?
T: It's Jesus
M: What is he saying to you?
T: He is telling me that He loves me.
M: That is a really special thing.
T: Its special because Jesus made us special
He has told me that he has heard voices before but I have not asked him about it until tonight. What a testimony he has about Jesus's love for him. I always pray that my children will feel of that love and I am so glad that Tanner does.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Preston and I were watching basketball last night and we were both sort of into it and there was a moment of silence for a few minutes and out of the blue Preston says "dad, there are only two non african guys playing" and I just started laughing inside, it was cute and funny. -ry

I asked Hailey to pick up some her get well notes that her teacher and class for her and told her that I would help her. As I started to gather them up she said:
Good job mom keep going. You are doing such a good job. con artist

Tanner and I were outside and we had this conversation:
Tanner: I hear Jozen yelling outside.
Me: Jozen lives too far away for you to hear him. I think that it is Tessa next door.
Tanner:But Mom, I have super power ears and Jesus gave them to me
Tanner:I love Jesus
Me:I love Jesus too.
Tanner:Mom, who is the boss of us?
Me: Heavently Father?
Tanner: Yea Heavenly Father. I love Jesus and Heavenly Father.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Heavenly father I really love you
I will help you clean up cause I love you
Cause I really really love you
Cause your special
the end
song sung by Hailey at bedtime

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A week ago we switched Hailey to afternoon Kindergarten. She would wake up so tired and it would be a fight to go to school. We thought that going in the afternoon would solve everything. It didn't... I had done everything that I thought would solve her problem. After talking to the principle and counselor we decided that they would meet me and the curb and they would take her to her classroom. Yesterday was the first day and both were there to pick her up. They were so calm and kind and took her to class crying. Today just the counselor and sweet Hannah were there and she cried for a second and walked holding their hands to her class. She says that she wants to walk by herself tomorrow. Progress!!!!

Everyone is dying to go outside and play! We ventured out today and jumped and played on the swing setin the mere 50 degree weather! Julia would live on the swing if I would let her!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As I was putting Hailey to bed I was popping my fingers. This was our conversation.
Hailey:Mom you need to stop popping your fingers because its bad for them.
Me:Who told you that?!