Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Preston and Hailey love to play in the dirt. I caught them playing in my strawberry patch this evening. They even turned on the water to make mounds and mounds of mud. One side of me wanted to whisk them inside and clean their dirty little hands. But then I remembered loving to make dirt cakes on the side of the pink house when I was little. There is nothing like cold mud on a hot day! Preston lost interest and Hailey played in it for a good hour.
While I was taking this picture, Preston snuck up behind me and jumped on my back. He scared me to death!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cute Hailey

Bed time ritual

Every night before bed Ry and Preston play an x-box game. They really get into it!

Friday, June 15, 2007

1st Haircut

For some reason I have always given my kids their first haircut after they turned one. Before they turned one it wasn't ok...but after one it was! I don't know why I have this rule! I just do. Tanner was another story. He needed one so bad. Here are the results of my handsome little guy after his first haircut!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Growing Up

I hate that my kids have to grow up. Why can't they stay little and innocent forever?! Hailey has always called birds quack quacks. Well things have changed. The other day while taking a bath she handed me a toy bird and said this a chicken? No Hailey, its a quack quack! She cant know the proper names of birds! They must always be quack quacks, for if they have a real name it must mean that she is getting older.
Another thing that she has alway said was that her name is Hay Hay. Even all of the kids in nursery call her that. Now all day she says Hailey. As if she is proud that she can now pronounce her name! Its great that she can but it also means that my little Hay Hay is growing up.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just because he is so cute!

Preston and Tanner adore each other. P can get Tanner to smile like no one else can!

Stawberry Jam

Yesterday Preston Hailey and I made strawberry jam. The best part is when I noticed that every strawberry that they put in the blender got its end bitten off first! Yummy Yummy

Saturday, June 9, 2007


I always knew that I wanted my children to be independent. I wanted them to be their own person and not always rely on ryan and me. I think that they turned out a little too independent. Its not uncommon to see Preston making himself a peanut butter sandwich or pouring himself a glass of milk. Hailey has walked in his footsteps. I have found her on the fridge eating the hidden chocolate chips. A few months ago Preston told us that he wanted to take a shower. So up he went! Last week made me feel a little better. I told Haily to get some clothes for me to dress her and she came down in pants with a skirt over them...no shirt. It makes me feel better when they fall and call my name. Or need an extra hug. Being independent is great, but being their mom and being needed is even better.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The beginning....

I wasn't quite sure that this blogging thing was for me... But I thought about it and decided that my blog was more for me than for anyone else. I am awful at remembering what I did yesterday! So this blog is for me to remember why I love being who I am. A mom to 3 incredible kids and an awesome husband.
As for the name of my blog. Its so true! I was blessed with three high spirited, get into things, never sit still kids. If I sit and stop running, there is no chance that maybe one day I will catch them.