Wednesday, February 27, 2008

P at the Dentist

Preston has a mess of a mouth. He went to the dentist a month ago and found out that he has 8 cavities. Poor guy! He brushes his teeth every night...the dentist just said that some kids are more prone to them than others. So today we were able to get the first 2 fixed. He said that he had to do a mini root canal on one of them it was so bad. P was so brave!
In the last pic half of his face is still numb. Thank goodness it went away!


Jody said...

A root canal?! Ouch. Poor guy, he was very brave! Riley gets her braces next week. Surprisingly, she's very excited....probably because 2 of her best friends just got theirs on. I guess it's some kind of fashion trend right now.... I told her we'll see how excited she is 6 months from now...

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Agnes said...

Poor kid, makes me scared to see what my kids might have as far as cavities...darn cavities!