Monday, September 10, 2007

I haven't posted for quite a while...The reason is Jill! I have never really enjoyed reading until the last month. She has suggested a few amazing books and now I am starting my sixth one. I read every free chance that I get. I have had way too many late nights.Ry appreciates it the most I think! He says that I am addicted. I don't know if that's a good thing or not! So if you want to know of some good books let me know!

Preston started preschool last Wednesday! I cannot believe he is old enough for school! As we drove up to his school I got butterflies! He loves it so much. Collin, Martha and the bishops son Matthew are in his class. He goes from 9-11:30. Hailey, Tanner and I miss him tons while he is gone.
On the way to school he asked me if it was ok if he picked his noes at school. I told him that it probably wasn't a good idea!

I was at our neighbors house and standing behind Tanner. I thought he was playing nicely with the markers, not know that he was eating one!

Last week Ry and I cut Tanners hair for the fourth time. We just cut the sides. He lived with it for a few days and I decided it looked funny because he had a little mop on the top of his head. Sunday morning I took the plunge and gave him a real hair cut. I hardly recognize him!


Jill said...

Oh Mary! He looks like such a "little boy" now!!! It's so hard to see them grow up! xoxox

Agnes said...

oh!!! What a beautiful BABY!!!! He looks soooooooo cute! I love it. You guys did well! :)