Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First picture is of Pres and Hailey riding their horses. They get on their horses every day. Hailey says that hers is pink. Silly gooses!
The second is of them setting up a bed in the kitchen. This is also a regular occurrence at our house. They bring all of the pillows from upstairs and have a camp out. This one was included with cookies. Preston was trying so hard to put his arm around Hailey during the picture, but Hailey wanted nothing to do with him at the moment!
Hailey has been on this kick lately and always asks if I am happy. If she is being good she says, Mommy you happy? I respond with a, yes Hailey mommy is happy. When she is bad she still asks and I tell her that I am so sad. Tonight she wouldn't go to the bathroom before bed and she threw a huge fit. If she doesn't want to go she wont...even if she has to go so bad she is dancing! So I told her I wasn't happy. She ran into the bathroom and immediately went. Hope this kick lasts for a LONG time!
About three weeks ago Preston got pink eye. For the last week or so during his prayers he prays for his eyes. I don't know why it started two weeks later, AFTER his pink eye has been gone...but it has! Even during our meal prayers or family prayers he reminds us to pray for his eyes. He will always have healthy eyes!