Thursday, August 9, 2007

A few days ago Hailey recieved her fourth haircut. Only one of these haircuts have been by me and legit! The first was by Preston, second by Grandma N, third a trim by me and the fourth by her. I had just used scissors and had not put them away yet. I was standing right next to her when she did it! I didnt realize how bad it was until the next day when I put all of her into a pony tail. I wont be able to do that for a while!

Today I lost my voice and was not feeling up to pare. Ryan came home early and took Pres and Hailey to the fair so that I could take a nap. They looked at all of the animals, road a few rides and had hot dogs. Ry let them get a toy, so Pres bought a toy gun... I have always envisioned my little boys never having toy guns. I personally do not like guns in the home. (I know I know if you have them locked up or have the right training its ok...they just scare me) My envision was shot out the door! They can make guns out of anything! I even remember Hailey pointing her finger saying boom boom. Oh well! Now that I am done with my rant! Hailey did'nt want a toy and was able to go on a pony ride. Should of sent the camera with them!


Sara & Saylor said...

HAHA I wanna see her hair! ; )