Monday, January 17, 2011


Someday I want my children to have books of memories from their childhood. I have a heck of a time remembering what happened last week. I want to remember that last week on the way home from Preston's mom and dad date we had this conversation:
Preston:One of my favorite things about myself is that I am good at sports.
Me:What else do you like about yourself?
Preston: I like that you are my momma
I want to remember that tonight as I was putting Tanner to bed he put his little hand on the side of my head and rubbed it with his thumb. I have been sick today and he was worried about me. He asked me if medicine would make me feel better. He told me that tomorrow he would draw me a picture because I am sick. I would forget that tender moment I had with him in the weeks to come.
I want to remember the eyes that my Hailey looked up at me with when I was telling her and Pres that treating each other the way they did didn't bring the Spirit into our house. How sorry she looked. The sweet hug they gave each other afterwards.
I want to remember the apprehension I have for Julia to go under anesthesia this Thursday for tubes. The feelings I feel for that sweet little girl when she was laying on the floor and I was giving her kisses.
This year I want to remember. To not miss out on sweet moments, hard moments, learning moments.


Crystal said...

I love this. Thanks for marking this down. It will be something that you all will cherish forever!