Monday, July 14, 2008

Prayers and Stealing

Every night at bedtime I have a hard time getting Hailey to say her prayers. I eventually say it for her and she usually chimes and and repeats me. Tonight after the same battle, we ended the prayer and she said that she wanted to talk to Heavenly Father again. I said ok and told her that she needed to say it by herself. It went like this: Heavenly Father, I love my Mom I love my Dad I love Preston. Bless the missionaries. Bless President Monson. Amen
It feels so good to know that I am doing something right.
On the Other Hand:
After Ry had tucked Preston into bed, Preston called Ry back into his room. The conversation went like this:
P: Dad, I took a piece of Aunt Kate's candy
R:Did you steal it from her?
P:I cant think right now. My head hurts. Ask me tomorrow
P:I took a piece of Aunt Kate's candy
R:What kind of candy
P:A cotton candy piece
R:Does she know you took her candy?
R:You cant steal peoples candy. Its not nice.
R:You need to call her and tell her that you're sorry.
P:I don't want to call her. I will just say sorry real loud right now. SORRY Aunt Kate.
R:No, you need to call her
P:No I will say it real loud so she can hear me.


Agnes said...

Tim and I gat a good laugh from that post! Preston is sooo cute! Hey at least he told you what he did :)