Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trip to Utah

Our niece Kadence was being blessed so last Thursday we made the fun 12 hour trip to Utah. The trip wasn't that bad...but I guess it shouldn't have been for ry and I because my good in laws had Pres and Hailey drive with them the whole way. Lucky us! We had so much fun and it went by way too fast. I am going to put a picture over load on this post, so hold on!

As soon as we got there we stopped at a neat Dino museum and watched a boring 3-D movie. We even got to wear cool glasses!

On Saturday while the girls checked out the family photos that we had taken, the guys took the kids to the zoo. They met Ry's Aunt Christine and a few of her Grand children there. I love the last pic where Tanner Man is zonked! Today he had his first real nap since the trip and slept 3 hours. I had to wake him up and am sure that he would have slept more!

Sunday Aaron was able to bless little Kadence. It was one of the most beautiful blessings I have heard. She is a sweet little baby and also a little butter ball. She reminds me alot of Hailey when she was a baby.
We went to Kates moms house after the blessing and had a nice brunch.

That afternoon, Wes and Jes made a delicious steak and chicken kabob BBQ. We took it up to Bridal Veil falls. It was about 70 degrees and was perfect. The kids had a blast in the water and would have stayed there all day if they could. The trip went by so fast. It was good to be able to make new relationships with in laws and get to know them better. I wish they lived closer and someday I know they will.

P Graduates!

Preston graduated on Wednesday and is ready for Kindergarten!! I cannot believe that I have a child old enough. He says that he isn't going because I made the big mistake of telling him that before he goes he has to get a shot. What was I thinking?!!

The rest of his class graduated on Friday, but P had to miss it so that we could leave for Utah on Thurs. During the whole ceremony, he was picking on his band aid. So very typical of Preston....always distracted! One of the songs they sang was You Are My Sunshine. All day you can hear him singing it to his own little tune. I would tape it but the sound on my camera wont work...if anyone knows what the deal is, let me know!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. -Deuteronomy 6:7

What a great responsibility we as mothers have been given. To be entrusted with our Heavenly Fathers children. I am so grateful to be a mother.