Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

yummy cookies

All week the kids have been dying to make sugar cookies. My response was wait till daddy is home all day on Saturday and we will. I think that they ate more of the dough and frosting than the cookies themselves!

Preschool Recital

Preston's preschool held a nursery rhyme recital at the echo city hall. (very pretty place) He and his friend Matt were 2 of the three blind mice. They did great!

I love the middle picture of him running with his tough sticking out!


Beth, Tanner and I were able to visit Jill, Tim and their families in Arizona for a few days. We left on Thursday and I came home on the following Tuesday. My wonderful neighbors were able to take Pres and Hailey for a day and my even more wonderful in laws were able to take them for 2 nights.
We had such a great time but the time flew! I wish that they lived closer!

Lunch at the park. It was a balmy 58 degrees! The AZ crew were freezing their tootsies off!

Jordan's football game. This was another 50 degree night. It was quite funny because there were tons of little kids running around in big winter coats, hats, scarves and mittens on. If they only knew what cold really was!

Jill, Beth, Ag and I went on a little shopping spree. We left at 9 in the morning and got home at 8 that night. In the end our feet felt like they were going to fall off! Ella and Tanner were troopers.

Cousins! Jessica would have held him for the whole five days if he would have let her.

You don't see this in Oregon!
Jill was picking up Nick from a Christmas party and while she was inside I shot this pic! I hurried and took it before someone saw me. I am sure that they would think that Jill's little sister was nuts!

For family night we went to see the lights at the Phoenix temple. It was beautiful! They have more lights than on temple square! My favorite were the wise men.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


The kids love to do crafty things, (I'm not sure where they get it) so I looked on Family Fun's website for some inspiration. I came up with snowmen made with canning jar lids. I didn't have anything that the magazine suggested so I did my best! Preston's is a ninja snowman hence the bandanna on his head.

Pres and Hailey seem to always leave pens on the floor and Tanner always seems to find them! I keep on catching him writing on my walls and he is only one! Way too early to be starting that habit. Yesterday he wrote all over Ryan's new work out book and today he found a box.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Doctors in the family are great!

I took Pres in to Derek on Friday because he has been having fevers for the last 2 weeks. He is on meds and is doing tons better. We decided to weigh Tanner while he was there and with his diaper and onesie on he weight exactly 17 pounds. Little bugger needs to weigh more! Derek wants me to have him drink 2 pedia sures a day and 5 meals a day. That would be great if he would eat! Its so weird to me to have a little baby because pres and Hailey were such chunks!
Last night he started breathing very heavily, like he wasn't getting enough air. I slept with him most of the night as he wouldn't let me put him down. He was so sick. Derek and Beth came over during church and checked him out. He has had a nebulizer treatment every four hours and is on steroids. Poor little guy. Hope he gets over this before Beth and I go to AZ to see Jill and Tim! I don't know what I would do without a doctor in the family!

Ward Christmas Party

On Friday we had our ward Christmas Party. The kids were so excited to see Santa. Or as Hailey would say it Cho coe lot. She is saying Santa Claus but it sounds so funny! All day Pres would tell me that I had to tell Sants what he wanted. He was very nervous to see him, Tanner was not happy to see him and Hailey was thrilled!

A few more boards

Just a few more boards that I made

Smiley Face

I don't know what it is about my kids and markers, but they are Always writing on themselves. I take them away for a month or so and then cave in and get more thinking that maybe this time will be different. On this particular day, Preston thought that Tanner needed a smiley face on his forehead. As though T doesn't smile enough!

My babies are getting old!

Hailey and Tanner are ever so lucky to be born on the same day. I cannot believe how fast one year has flown by and my baby is one. (and that H is three!) I thought that it would be hard for them to share their day but didnt even think about Pres. Both of his sibblings got a load of presents and he didnt. He did very well. I think that it was because all Tanner cared about was the large mirror behind him while pres opened all of his presents!

Cute Birthday girl (Typical look!)

Oooooooo I love this little guy

Preston putting the finishing touches on Hailey's cake

How can one care about birthday presents when theres a huge mirror to look at?!

He did not want to get messy! He would dip his finger into it and carefully eat it. Ry was trying to show him how to do it!

Thanksgiving (better late than never!)

I have officially decided that I am not good at updating! Maybe because I don't think about it daily or maybe its just because I have 3 kiddos. Whatever the reason...I AM GOING TO DO BETTER! So today I am going to start at Thanksgiving and post up to today. Here it goes...
Thanksgiving was held in Tri Cities at the Karlsons. Kate and Aaron were supposed to come from DC but were not able to. We were so bummed. Kate went to the doctor the day before they were supposed to leave and her doctor gave her the no go. She is still on bed rest to this today. Little Kadence wants to come into this world a little early.

Hailey loves to help her Mana!

The kids adore Uncle Wesley. He is constantly hearing Uncle wes! Lets play tag. I want to play with your quack quack. Lets go upstairs. Lets read a book. The list goes on and on, poor guy! I know that he loves them too, but also loves when they go to bed so that he can get a little peace and quiet!

Preston LOVES puzzles. Vendla got him a few 50 piece puzzles and he would do it in a blink of an eye! It was around 10 at night and he was set at the bar putting them together for the 19th time that day. When we got home I got him a 70 piece set and even that was a piece of cake!

Tan is always ready for his picture to be taken. Even says cheese!

I think they're related!

This was so funny! I couldn't find preston. I eventually found him hiding in the dinning room behind a chair eating gobs of olives. He did save a few for us!
Happy 2 weeks ago!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Here they are!

The last pic of my hand shows how bad they look! I need to manicure so bad.